Our Mission:
To create a community where people from all walks of faith are becoming deeply commited to Christ
Come and join our Women's Lenten
Six week Bible Study
February 10, 2016 at 12:10pm
FUMC Fellowship Hall
Bring your lunch and enjoy the
Study and fellowship.
The Living Last Supper
Please Join First United Methodist Church for their presentaion of the
Living Last Supper
Two performances, March 10 & 11
First United Methodist Church
Main Sanctuary at 7 p.m.
MARCH 24, 2016 - 5:30 PM IN THE CHAPEL
Friday March 25, 2016; 7:00 pm in The Chapel
Maundy Thursday is an alternate name for Holy Thursday, the first of the three days of solemn remembrance of the events leading up to and immediately following the crucifixion of Jesus. The English word "Maundy" comes from the Latin mandatum, which means "commandment." As recorded in John's gospel, on his last night before his betrayal and arrest, Jesus washed the feet of his disciples and then gave them a new commandment to love one another as he had loved them (John 13:34). This is why services on this night generally include the washing of feet or other acts of physical care as an integral part of the celebration.
While John's gospel does not record the institution of the Lord's Supper among the events of this night, the other gospels do. Christians therefore keep this night with celebrations both at the basin (footwashing) and at the Lord's Table (Holy Communion).
Tenebrae Service March 25, 2016 7:00 pm In The Chapel
What is Tenebrae?
The word "tenebrae" comes from the Latin meaning "darkness." The Tenebrae is an ancient Christian Good Friday service that makes use of gradually diminishing light through the extinguishing of candles to symbolize the events of that week from the triumphant Palm Sunday entry through Jesus' burial.
This increasing darkness symbolizes the approaching darkness of Jesus' death and of hopelessness in the world without God. The service concludes in darkness, sometimes with a final candle, the Christ candle, carried out of the sanctuary, symbolizing the death of Jesus. A loud noise may also sound symbolizing the closing of Jesus' tomb. The worshipers then leave in silence to ponder the impact of Christ's death and await the coming Resurrection.